Bukkake participation guidance

Of course, anyone who attends our events will be welcome to enjoy the entirety of evenings fun but we are making a small change to help keep everyone safe.

For the gangbang part of the evening, nothing has changed and all penetration will be with the use of condoms.  There is and will be no exception to this and is unchanged from the status quo we’ve had in place for many years.

For the bukkake part of the evening, you can participate in two ways

  • Default. All participants enjoy this WITH condom during oral sex.
  • If you can provide evidence of a clean STI certification no older than 28 days, you will then be eligible for oral WITHOUT condom for this part.


This is a change to how we’d run previously. In reality we had a swingers operating model which was many years out of date and this is a change for the better for everyone. Sure, getting an STI test done is a minor inconvenience but we’re going to give everyone plenty of notice, and plenty of information to help you enjoy our events fully.

The benefits for this change are obvious, but to summarise;

  • Sexual health security is improved many-fold. Naturally, everyone benefits from this.
  • The second real benefit is it also unlocks a number of new models. It will allows us to work with a section of the model community who would previously have declined to work with us, due to us working with amateur guys. If participants are proven safe and clear then there are many more models who will be happy to join us.

Note: Please don’t be nervous of using sexual health services!

They are 100% discreet and non-judgemental. They’re -PLEASED- you take your own and others sexual health seriously.

Acceptable Certification ✅

We’ve discussed this with models over the last couple of months, to get to the ‘sweet spot’ where the level of protection is good, but at the same time is practical for everyone.

The GOLD STANDARD best acceptable test proof is a clean printed certificate from a clinic, such as Umbrella Health, Dean St or similar, but we appreciate that there is a practicality issue to get these sorted. So here are the baseline proof of certification we will accept;

  • 28 days maximum. I.e. if the shoot is on 28th of a month, the receipt of the clean test must have been received on 1st of that month. If your test was before that, then we deem that not acceptable this time.
  • The MINIMUM clean tests needed are Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. (NHS clinics also provide tests for Syphilis and HIV at the same time, so there’s no real reason not to get those done at the same time if offered. It gives you and us all more peace of mind).
  • Home test kits are acceptable. We appreciate everyone has busy lives and might find it difficult to get out to a clinic in-person. As such, we will allow test results from home test kits, but only FROM approved clinics (see below)

With your test results

  1. The BEST proof is a printed certificate from an approved clinic.
  2. Second best is one where you log into their website and show us your results online, on their website
  3. The baseline acceptable is SMS/Emailed results. These will be scrutinised more carefully and are really are the baseline accepted. If you can show us your evidence on your clinics website online, then that’s much better.

Getting your tests

We are trying to get the local clinics to come into the venues we operate in, as they did before COVID. They then offered free tests with the results sent back via SMS.
Sadly, they have budget constraints and currently don’t offer this service, but we are in discussions to see if we can make that happen. Until then, you’ll need to either get over to a clinic to get your test done, or use a test kit sent to your home.

Lots of providers provide FREE NHS services, so getting your tests done doesn’t need to cost you anything other than a little time.

Testing ready for our Midlands events

Testing ready for our Bristol events

Finally, showing us your results on the night.

Finally, we would respectfully ask you to understand and abide by our decision on the night.

We -ALL- want to be able to enjoy more fantastic evenings, but in order to do so we need you to work with us to make sure this can happen. If you bring in-date results, from an acceptable clinic, then happy days. We just have to check they’re valid and proper. If we’re unsure, then we will decline it on that night. It might then mean we need to add your clinic (if it’s not one we’ve covered so far) ready for next time. But just appreciate we’re doing this with the best of intentions and the best reasons.

So please, accept our decision on the night with good grace.

UPDATE March ’23: We’ve had couple of gents bring results which were sadly not clear enough for us to accept. They’d used a regional NHS facility who’s SMS test results just say “Your test results were negative, no further action necessary“. The guys had been genuine and got tests done so fair play to them. But sadly their results were ambiguous and as such, the models can’t accept results like that. Clean test results are needed for everyone’s safety, and to give models greater confidence that everyone is safe.

So, your test results NEED to;

  • Show that they’re within the last 28 days
  • Clearly state what tests have been done, and their status (negative/clear etc)

On the night

When you come in, we’ll check your results with you.

Assuming they’re okay, we’ll then give you a wristband and stamp your wank hand. Then in the bukkake, if the model sees you’ve got both, happy days.

The reason we’ll give you a wristband and a stamp is this. If you shower and the stamp starts to clean off, come show us your wristband. We’ll then update your stamp. Simple as that.


As if all that is not reason enough, guys who take the time and effort to get themselves tested and bring that evidence to an event can also get free access to our websites for a month (worth $34.95!!!). Keep coming, and keep yourself tested and you could enjoy our websites for free for as long as you keep coming!

TL:DR (Summary)

  • Bring a clean STI test to enjoy oral without condom during the bukkake
  • Maximum 28 days between test date and party date.
  • Our decision regarding acceptance of your proof on the night is final. Please respect this.
  • If you haven’t got a current test proof, that’s totally okay. You can still enjoy the evening as normal, but with oral protected. You’ll still have a blast!!
  • Free membership to our websites, for guys who come along with a clean STI test. 👍


